How can I Handle Anxiety with the word of god !!

First of all,

I welcome  to you in the name of Mighty Jesus .

In the days of beginning(2018). when I was started to walk with god and decided to walk with with god. I realized in the future how to may also face problems in the any situations. And I was the person who fears very much and before I came in Christ I was in bad addiction I was also in fear  that if I do anything to anybody they can kill me !!

But After Coming In Christ I Knew That "If Lord is  for us who can be against us". My Friend this verse gave me the encouragement but now also I fear some little bit, but Now I do not fear that much . That I fear before coming In Christ .And Did you Know?. In the bible "DO NOT BE AFRAID". Is written 365 times . But I want to also tell you one thing I was very aggressive and  my sin are that much bad which I can't say in this Testimony , But then Lord call me by my and said "I have chosen you , you do not chose me ". Then I said to the Lord and weeped "Lord you do not treat me as my sin have ". "Please forgive my sins". I want to say "Thank you Lord". Because I believe in him and he is Redeemer and he is the Author and the Finisher. Then the holy spirit tell me what to do and also told me that what should I become . Then the devil tried to temptate  me in every thing he tried to test me when I was walking with Jesus . He gave me  a that bad  thoughts and tried to pull down when I was walk with god . Yeah sometimes  I got pulled down by His Temptation. But now holy spirit is with me and I do not have to be Afraid because we have the LORD who was with Abraham . we have the LORD who was with Mosses. we have the LORD who was with Adam and Eve.

Lastly I like to say this Because of Lord I can do all this things without him I'm nothing .

Still god Is Working On me !.


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