The Beatitudes

     The sermon on the mount.

-[Part 1]

After seeing the people followed him from galilee, and from Decapolis, Jerusalem, Judea  and beyond the Jordan .

Matthew 5:7

After seeing the people he went upon the mountains and seated there and when he was seated his disciples came to him . Then Jesus opened his mouth and taught all them:

The Beatitudes

3"Blessed are the poor in  spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven."



The verse says that many people think themselves that whatever work they did they did on their own strength. And many people you saw that they have Pride that whatever work they did, they did their own strength. And I want to tell you that Our Lord hates  the word "Pride". The verse explains that those who believe they are nothing without god and no work can be done without god . Those people will get Blessed and those people will see the Kingdom of God my dear friend the Lord tells you to don't  Pride  for that whatever you may receive. But, Instead Thanks God to have a mercy on you and say to him.

 "My Father whatever is given to me it is given from yours and according to your will and without you I am nothing in my life I need you [Amen]" 


4"Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted" 



The verse explains that the sorrow which flow out in the tears that cleanse, the mourning over sin itself and the stain which it has left upon the soul. They shall be comforted says that the hope is given to them and they will get satisfied i.e. comforted.

5"Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth."


This verses explains that god will give you everything if you  are gentle, if your behavior towards other people is humble and calm and note that the word "Gentleness" is also one of the fruit & gift from 'Holy spirit'. I am saying you today if you read the word of god with calmness and obeys his word Have Faith whatever you ask in prayer you will receive.

6"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled."

As human beings, since the Sin is entered through the Adam . But the only one who is justifiable is our lord Jesus Christ .  There are many incidents took place in our life where we refuse to justice and we choose another way . Where we don't give Justice to the right person, Instead we chose to bear with wrong person. At last this verses is for the person who's hunger and thirst for Righteousness 

7"Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy"


The Jesus says to those who show mercy towards others. Many people in the world are filled with anger the Bible gives us right to get Angry. But the bible does not gives us the right to do against God i.e. Sin, Because the lord says if you forgive and show mercy to others . In the last days our father will also show mercy in you and you will be forgiven.



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