The Betrayal of Jesus

 Matthew 26 47:56

Now after that night . That as you read in the last blog. That it is written that The written that the son of man will be betrayed by the hands sinners.

Now, That time came that Jesus said that one his disciple will betray him.
47 "While he was still speaking behold , Judas one of the twelve With great multitudes swords and clubs came from the chief priests and elder's of the people."

Now, The Jesus gave a sign to his disciples that how can we Identify the betrayer . It is in 48 Now his betrayer had given them a sign ."Whomever I kiss, he is the one ;seize him"

Then Juda immediately went to Jesus and said "Greetings, Rabbi and kissed him." as it is written in the line 49 "Immediately he went to Jesus and said, "Greetings, Rabbi! and kissed him"

Now Jesus asked him, "Friend why are you come ?". Then they laid hands and took him let get to the verse 50 But Jesus said to him, "Friend why have you come?" then  they come and laid hands on Jesus and took him

During all this. The one of his disciples drew his sword cut off the one of the soldier's ear when they took him. let's take a look on the verse
51 "And suddenly, one of those who was with Jesus streached out his drew his sword , Stuck the servant of High Priest, and cut off his ear"
Now, after that Jesus said to him 'Put your sword in its place ; Now Jesus came to earth take the authority which devil has undertaken this authority and also he came for our sins and give us a 'Eternity'
and Jesus Died for our sins on the cross . Our lord is Merciful, He is more merciful and less wrath. So, he also showed his great mercy on that solider and healed his ear. But before that Jesus also said the one who fights with sword will perish one day by sword let's take a look on the verse 52

"Put your sword in it's place , for all who take the sword will perish by the sword"[Matthew 26:52]

Then Jesus gave a warning to them from my point of view in the verse 53 "Or do you think that I cannot now pray to my father and he will provide me with  more than twelve legions of angel  " and that a More than 80,000 angels

But think for a minute if Jesus did this so how can be the scripture be fulfilled. If this would happen
let's take a look on the verse 55 Than Jesus said to the Multitudes " Have you come out , as against as robber , with swords and clubs to take me ? I sat daily with you teaching the temple and you do not seize me" 

At  last that night in the verse 56 it is written that 56 "But all this was done that the scriptures of the prophets might be fulfilled " Then all Disciples forsook and fled him. M any time in our life when we face that problems that we think it does not have solution we gave up , But we forgot that our lord is bigger than our problem we focus on Problem not in god . My drear friend we also we have to pray again and again until we have we stand up against the Problem and fight in the name of Jesus .

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