Matthew 1:18-2:23

The birth of Lord Jesus Christ Was declared in the early, by prophets [Jeremiah].In that Scripture it was written that a virgin will give a born to a child and that child will born through a holy spirit
and this happened in 'Bethlehem'. Born from the Marry now when this happened Joesph didn't want to show this publicly to everyone. So he and Marry took Jesus to that place where cows and horses live.

Now, at that time when Jesus born. The Devil knew that very first time God did a great thing for his people  then after at that time. The king Herod was the ruler of the Judea. Jesus was born in the Bethlehem lies 10 kilometers south of the city of Jerusalem Now this Herod secretly .After hearing the prophet of Isiah's fulfilled he was scared so  he called the Wiseman to go and search for the child and order to bring back to Herod .But after seeing the child's in Mary's hand they bowed down and worshipped him
They bring  the treasure and when they opened their treasures they presented gifts to him. 'gold', 'myrrh' etc.. Then these Wiseman as told in dreams not to go to Herod , so they departed in their own country. Then an angel arrived in dream and said go to Egypt until the Herod die . Then ,  at night they departed for Egypt as it is written saying "Out of Egypt I call my son". 

Now when this king Herod know that this Wisemen are departed to their own country . He got terribly angry and order to kill all the male child who was in Bethlehem from two years and under, T hen was fulfilled by Jeremiah the prophet saying,
"A voice was heard in Ramah, lamentation, weeping and great mourning ,Rachel weeping for her children, refusing  to be comforted because they are no more."

Now when Herod was dead, an HOLY ANGEL appeared in a dream to Joesph in Egypt, saying

 "Arise, take the young child and his mother, and go to the land of Israel, for those who sought the young child's life are dead."

After hearing this he arose and took his wife and the young child they came into the land of Israel

but after hearing that Archelaus was ruling over Judea instead of his father Herod, He was afraid to go there . And also he was warned by the God in the dream. So he and his family turn aside into the reign of Galilee and they was living in a city called "Nazareth " and thus its is fulfilled by the prophet  as saying that 

"He shall be called Nazarene"

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